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The law makes abortion a crime at any stage of pregnancy. Alabama

Dear all, I have read one really serious article from The Guardian . The title is: These 25 Republicans – all white men – just voted to ban abortion in Alabama   The law makes abortion a crime at any stage of pregnancy, with the only exception for a serious threat to the health of the woman. Is not it awful? I was so shocked when I have read the article. That law was created by male politicians in Alabama, as I understood. The Alabama law will highly affect women.  "Of the 27 Republicans, all w hite men, that dominate the 35-seat Alabama Senate, 25 voted to pass the bill late on Tuesday. There are only four women in the  Senate there, who are among the eight-strong Democratic party minority in the upper chamber of the state legislature.  Two Republicans did not vote. " said the author of the article. <=   Here are some photos of the Republican leadership group in the Senate, just to know these people. For me, such news is devas...

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