The law makes abortion a crime at any stage of pregnancy. Alabama
I have read one really serious article from The Guardian. The title is:
These 25 Republicans – all white men – just voted to ban abortion in Alabama
The law makes abortion a crime at any stage of pregnancy, with the only exception for a serious threat to the health of the woman. Is not it awful? I was so shocked when I have read the article.

That law was created by male politicians in Alabama, as I understood.
The Alabama law will highly affect women.
"Of the 27 Republicans, all white men, that dominate the 35-seat Alabama Senate, 25 voted to pass the bill late on Tuesday. There are only four women in the Senate there, who are among the eight-strong Democratic party minority in the upper chamber of the state legislature. Two Republicans did not vote." said the author of the article.
<= Here are some photos of the Republican leadership group in the Senate, just to know these people.
For me, such news is devastating because no one has the right to make decisions about a woman's body. Besides, there are a lot of situations which, unfortunately, have led to making an abortion. For example, rape, health problems, incest, poverty, young age, etc. Without any doubt, all these situations are really serious for making this decision even if it is sad. Besides, I agree that abortion is total grief and loss but we should be realists and understand that at least a group of men must not decide what to do in such cases. It is a serious problem.
Moreover, I would like to add some comments of these politicians (these comments are from another resource but they can make the situation clearer):
- The President of the USA said that he was against abortion except in cases of rape, incest or "serious health risk" to the mother.
I strongly hope that something will change in that awful law.
Hello Natasha,
ОтветитьУдалитьthanks for writing this post. It shows your great concern about the abortion issue. It has been hot for quite some time now and remains such at present.
I am sorry but I couldn't figure out in the end whether what you have written is summary of the article or an essay because it lacks some distinctive features of both. If it is a summary, then it is written using the model we discussed: The article is devoted to the discussion___. First, the author explains...He gives an example of....He also emphasizes that___ and so on. If it is an essay, you need to develop it furher by adding more points for consideration and developing their discussion. Also, the conclusion should be developed to make it more substantial. It'd be useful if you used some technique for conclusions I've pointed out to several times during the classes.
Okay, I will use these techniques to improve to writing skills, thank you!
УдалитьNatasha, nowadays, abortion is one of the most tricky topics. Thank you for your courage to write abut it in your blog! I 100% agree with you and I am concerned that it a woman's right to choose to do an aboprtion or not.