How Big is the Role of Family in Teenagers’ Lives?

There is no doubt that family takes a significant place in teenager’s socialization. What is more noticeable, the role of the family is important and relevant not only in our lives but even in literature, cinematography, etc.
Thinking about literature and that theme, recently I have read one book by Julia Darling which is called Taxi Driver’s Daughter. In that novel, the relationship between teenagers and family should be analyzed. I think that topic is one of the most important here. The author tells her readers about one family from Newcastle upon Tyne. We have learned about these remarkable characters, but for analyzing the theme more interesting are Caris, Mac, and Louis (a 15-year-old teenager and her parents).
How Big is the Role of Family in Teenagers’ Lives?
Without any concern, that age is quite complicated because there are some misunderstandings between adults and youngsters. Moreover, parents should pay attention to their children, guide and support them. Especially, they should give them emotional support because it is normal that teenagers could be a little bit rebellious, sometimes moody. Besides, in that very age they are at risk to have some bad habits or to be involved in 'bad' companies. Thus, the duty of family is huge but not so difficult because it would be wonderful just to talk to teens or have some cozy evenings, spending time together. Teenagers need that. They love their family and want some support even if their behavior might seem to say they do not.
Such example we can see in Taxi Driver’s Daughter. Caris has some consequences but she does not get any support from her parents because her mother is in jail and her father simply does not know how to behave himself with his daughter. Hence, Caris has some troubles like bullying, bad peer influence (her relations with George), etc. It is a pity because even Mac (father) remembers her as a lovely girl. Fortunately, everything ends well but we cannot say that about George, for instance. Unfortunately, he did not get any love in his childhood. Also, he does not have it as a teenager. Probably that is why he makes such awful things and even has some psychological problems.
Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to notice that family relations are really precious because parents may help their children, support them. Also even if young people and their families have some ups and downs during their life, there’s no one closer than your relative.
Natasha, your essay is very good and well-developed. You've mentioned examples from the book, and pointed out the arguments. I agree with your position))
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