A Blind Date (a short story)
A Blind Date
(By Natalya Kholina and Julia Osadchaya)
In one noisy but with unforgettable atmosphere city which is called New York lived a young woman in her late teens. Her name was Catherine. She was twenty-one year old. It was known that she was very rebellious. She always said what she thought, and she was very active as if it was her last day to do something extremely important.
She studied at Columbia University and it was really hard to enter there.
She studied at Columbia University and it was really hard to enter there.
Besides, she had two best friends - Jessica and Alex. They were her true friends who always support Kate. That is why they wanted that everything would be good in her life.
One day there was an event which had completely changed her life.
'You should think about yourself firstly, not about others!' said Jessica while they were in the cafeteria.
Catherine was a little bit confused and angry because no one had a right to tell her what to do, even her best friend.
'Yes, I agree with Jess, you should have a rest and today you will go to the 5th&Mad so that is why we will not take no for an answer.' grinned Alex.
'Ok, but if something will go wrong I'll kill you!' answered Kate in a stern voice.

She came to the 5th&Mad and saw a very handsome man. Probably he was about twenty-seven years old. His name was John.
They looked at each other's eyes and in that very moment, it became obvious that it was the love from the first sight.
After that unforgettable evening, she understood that he was really caring. Moreover, they started to communicate with each other and spent time together.

From that time they have been living happily together.
Hello Natalua and Julia,
ОтветитьУдалитьthanks for writing and sharing your story. Did you enjoy writing your story? What was the process of writing it like? Was it different from you working on other tasks? If yes, what was the difference? Did you learn something useful for yourself from doing this task?
I did not comment on your story because I wanted your peers to do it first for an obvious reason that I did not want to impact their opinions. Hope you'll understand my decision.
УдалитьYes, we did. The process was pretty wonderful, we discuissed all the details, trying to make that story worth reading. As for me, I really like to write something like that (some stories, I mean). Besides, the idea of random aspects was really interesting. It could help if people sometimes do not have the inspiration.